Breakfast at Tiffany's blue candy jewels, inspired by a Manhattan morning, inviting you to a blueberry dawn stargaze
Reviews: "Lovedddd these! Sweet, satisfying...& just the right size for my desk at work ;) recommend if you’re on the fence give them a try!" Kelly, Etsy Customer, February 2020
Nutritional Info and Ingredients: We hand-make these candies with your health in mind. All natural. Sugar-free/ Vegan. Gluten-free. No corn syrup or artificial colors/flavors. Ingredients: GMO-free Xylitol, Organic Blueberries, Organic Blue and Green Spirulina, Organic Essential Oils, Acacia Fiber. Calories per candy: 5. Carbs per candy: 1.5.
About Xylitol: Xylitol is a natural sweetener, present in the fibers of many plants including berries, oats, beets, sugar cane and birch. It has a low GI value of 7, meaning it has little effect on blood sugar levels and insulin. It is therefore seen as a useful alternative for those seeking low glycemic nutrition. It contains 40% fewer calories than sugar, only 2.4 calories per gram. It doesn’t directly contribute toward the growth of intestinal yeasts or Candida. Please note: Like chocolate, xylitol is toxic to dogs. Please keep candy away from your pets. In large quantities, it can have a mild laxative effect, causing digestive discomfort. For more information, see here:
Shelf Life: 1 year
Product added to Pandora's Pops, February 2019
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